Welcome! I'm Roberto Aiello, italian multimedia designer. This site contains some of my multimedia design creations as well as communications with videos, web design, graphic design and much more.
The contents of this site are available in english (with the help of my friend and translator Irina Pennestrì) and italian. I will add a spanish version in the future.
Feel free to contact me if you are interested in my work or have any questions about what i do. Take a look at my profile (and if you are interested, this is my page on myspace and on youtube).
You may also will find interesting my blogs.
The website will be updated as often as possible, with more galleries and free stuff for everyone.
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New work uploaded
I have added a new website in the portfolio, made for a bed & breakfast.
New work uploaded
I have added a new logo in the logo section. I have made the logo and brand identity for a bed & breakfast.

Mandarino's House
business card for a bed and breakfast. 2010 Go>

Anthea Chan collections
magazine's ad for Anthea Chan, fashion designer in Singapore. Go>

Mandarino's House
logo and corporate identity for a bed and breakfast. Go>

Visual FX backstage
Video-audio editing and synchronization for "La vera leggenda
di Tony Vilar" visual effects movie backstage. Go>

Iannotti Factory
Concept and development of a photogallery for Iannotti Factory - Naked Superbike, Milan. Go>

News from my blogs
Foot locker - Love thy sneaker
More in the blogs section. Go>